
Turn Your Daily Searches into Dollars with Tazoodle

Wow - talk about being in the right place and the right time! Did you know thatTazoodle was being kept completely classified until just a few hours ago!That's right - you are privileged to be among the first to discover this brandnew search engine where you can actually turn your daily searches into a moneymaking opportunity! But let me cut through all the boring hype and pizazz andget right down to business! First of all, think about Google and Yahoo. They are search engines wherepeople commonly type in the name of a product in order to get more informationabout it. For example, perhaps you're wanting to look up information about aparticular new flat panel V before you buy it. You may go to Google and type"samsung led tv"What happens when you type in that search term? Not only do you get reviewsfrom cnet.com, engadget.com and other such sites ... but you also get a listof sponsored links (a.k.a. paid advertisements) displayed over on the rightside.Now consider the regular ad viewing concept that is used by an ad rotationsystem where you look at a handful of ads for 15 to 20 seconds in order to earnmoney in a revenue share each day.Now combine the two ideas ... and voila - you have Tazoodle.With Tazoodle, you have a search engine that looks virtually identical toGoogle. (It is purposely designed to look like Google.) But when you're typingin search terms and being presented with ads, you can look at those ads for 15seconds and earn viewing credit for the day. As long as you view a certainnumber of ads each day, you will qualify to receive a viewing income.This is a pretty cool idea if you really think about it. When you view ads ina rotation system, many of the ads aren't related to anything you necessarilyeven care about. Sometimes it's a great way to discover a new product orservice, but in general, ads that are directly related to something you areseeking out are going to hold more appeal to you. If you're in the shoppingmood and are searching for information about the new Samsung LED TV and you'regetting ads from Motorcycle Apparel Sony, Sharp, and Toshiba ... you are naturally going to viewthe competition's ads at least for the sake of comparative shopping. And underTazoodle, viewing those competitor's ads while the 15 second timer counts downwill help you qualify to earn the viewing income each day.Once you've typed in a search term and have started viewing an ad related tothe search term, Tazoodle will offer to show you more ads for the same searchterm. So you don't have to go "back" and find a new ad to view, and you don'thave to type in a new search term each time. Using the previous example ofSamsung LED TV's, once you've viewed a particular ad, Tazoodle willautomatically offer to show you more ads for other Motorcycle Goggles TV's. (There is also abutton where you can choose to view "random ads", which is more akin to whatwe get with a regular rotation system.)Furthermore, think about how many people are using Google each day. As ofMarch, 2009, the statistic I read was that Google receives nearly 300 millionsearches per day. Anyone who uses the Internet for any length of time willinvariably go to Google and/or Yahoo and search something at some point. Thismeans that the entire world is now your "prospect." Similar to your typical adviewing program, Tazoodle has a referral component wherein you can receiveadditional incentives by referring others to the search engine. Does your momuse Google? Refer her to Tazoodle so she can start earning a viewing incomeand you can receive referral benefits. Does your brother use Yahoo? Your Aunt?Your neighbor? Everyone you work with? How about the hundreds of people thatyou'll encounter at random throughout your week? Chances are, most of them areusing a search engine! If you refer all the dozens or hundreds of people youencounter to Tazoodle, you could potentially create a massive source ofresidual income for yourself within the next couple of years.Hopefully this helps clarify what Tazoodle "is" exactly. I think it's abrilliant idea and I can't wait for them to get under way. If my explanationjust made the proverbial "light bulb" go off in your head, then I wouldencourage you to sign up and watch the 4 part Video Presentation under the"Information" menu on the left side.

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